Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Function : Number or Characters filter

Use in Modual :

Option Explicit

Public Const gstrNUMERIC_DIGITS As String = "0123456789"

Public gblnPopulating As Boolean
Public Function ValidKey(pintKeyValue As Integer, _
pstrSearchString As String) As Integer '------------------------------------------------------------------------

' Common function to filter out keyboard characters passed to this
' function from KeyPress events.
' Typical call:
' KeyAscii = ValidKey(KeyAscii, gstrNUMERIC_DIGITS)

If pintKeyValue < 32 _
Or InStr(pstrSearchString, Chr$(pintKeyValue)) > 0 Then
'Do nothing - i.e., accept the control character or any key
' in the search string passed to this function ...
'cancel (do not accept) any other key ...
pintKeyValue = 0
End If

ValidKey = pintKeyValue

End Function

Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Call ValidKey(KeyAscii, gstrNUMERIC_DIGITS)
End Sub

इस function मे मुझे एक problem नजर आई | copy past करने पर कोई भी तरह कि value text box मे fill कर सकते है
function मे Error handling आपनी सुविधा के अनुसार coding करे |

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